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About Us

Wildebees is nie die handelsmerk (soos Marvel) wat jy oor kop trek en dit dan van jou ‘n dapper held gaan maak nie…

Jy trek Wildebees oor jou kop want jy weet jy hét wat dit gaan vat…
Jy trek Wildebees oor jou bors as kenteken van jou rang en simbool van jou dapperheid.
Jy trek Wildebees aan jou voete want jy loop die smal pad reguit

Jy lewe voluit, maak ‘n verskil en kyk mense in die oë as jy groet.
Jou klere versterk wie jy is, en onderstreep waarheen jy oppad is: jy weet jy is vellies en khaki en al gaan dit droog en dor en al eet die sprinkane jou oes, vellie jy voort en vat nie  k_aki want jou padwyser is: vorentoe.

Jou hart en gees is gewortel in die stiltes van die natuur en jy floreer wanneer jy vars asem daar gaan haal: bos, berg of see…
Jou klere dra nie jou nie; JY dra jou klere…

En daarom kies jy die kaliber van Wildebees kwaliteit.

Welkom by die trop!


We believe that every person is born with a nature – a way of thinking, living, being. And Wildebees is part of every man’s (and woman’s) nature. We want to bring people back to their roots – to their intended purpose – the reason they were created – their calling. We believe that everyone was made for a reason and we want to awaken the reason within.

We want to remind people that they were created – and more importantly, remind them of their Creator.

We believe that every person is born with a nature – a way of thinking, living, being. And Wildebees is part of every man’s (and woman’s) nature. We want to bring people back to their roots – to their intended purpose – the reason they were created – their calling. We believe that everyone was made for a reason and we want to awaken the reason within.

We want to remind people that they were created – and more importantly, remind them of their Creator.


Our biggest goal is ultimate customer satisfaction through top-notch quality, excellent service and extreme reliability. We aim for honesty, transparency and great relationships with our clients.Without you – we cannot be living the dream and doing what we love. You are extremely important to us and we will always have your best interests at heart!

We are extremely grateful for you!
Wees Wild!
_The Wildebees-trop

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